A Challenge: One Million Words

2020 was a rough year for me. I know, it was bad for everyone, but it was especially bad for me. I don’t mean just my bout with COVID-19, but the rest of my health too.

I’m making changes in my life because so many of the people who were infected, especially the ones who had medical conditions like mine didn’t make it. I was extremely lucky, and every day I’m grateful, but also saddened that it took me potentially being on my death bed to remember that I have a life outside of writing.

This year I’ve cut my publishing schedule way back, I don’t need the additional stress of trying to put out six to eight books a year as my body is still working to repair the damage I’ve done to it.

My one writing goal this year is to become a better writer. I want to work on my world building, my story telling, and getting better at this craft.

So I’ve set myself Herculean task to write 1 MILLION WORDS this year!

I’ll come back at the end of each quarter and give y’all updates on my progress. It is going to be difficult as I’m taking a break from writing. I’m not sure how long, but when I’ve said this before I found myself writing anyway!

Being driven and ambitious is great, unless you are like me and use it to distract yourself from all else.

I’m both nervous and excited to try and complete this challenge. I always seem to fail at New Year’s Resolutions and challenges. I can count on one hand how many I’ve completed successfully. But that’s okay, because I keep setting them and I keep trying.

As the proverb goes, Fall down seven times, stand up eight…

What are the parameters of my challenge?

I’m counting any fiction I write (except little white lies I tell the people at work), also blog posts, especially verbose newsletters, and personal journal entries.

What are your 2021 goals, challenges, resolutions?


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