
My cooking style mirrors my writing style.

Follow me on a journey as I try to explain.

I’ve been trying to eat healthier, so my fridge often looks like a produce section threw up. If I’m slacking or more like backtracking on the healthier eating then of course my fridge looks like the dumpster outside of the produce department.

I’m trying to be a good steward of all these vegetables I’ve purchased because I’m cheap so I’m chopping radishes tops off and slicing them to be tossed into my “daily” lunch salad.

While I’m slicing I think maybe I should pickle some of these. Then I turn to the bag of red onions (because pickled red onions are divine). Then my mind strays to all of the vegetables in the fridge and I start to wonder… Can I pickle carrots? Squash? And I start re-examining all the veggies I have with the question, ‘Can I pickle that?’

This cascading train wreck of thoughts is also a mirror of my writing. Can I write about alpha women? Can I write about matriarchal alpha women who aren’t damsels in distress and definitely aren’t wasting their lives pining for a man? Can I write alpha men who don’t run from smart alpha women, but instead run to them? Can I take magic and infuse shifters? Can I take shifters and infuse shifters? Can I take that world and add African mythology? Greek mythology? Chinese mythology? Norse mythology?

The question I’ve been asking myself in one of my many moments of self reflection is ‘How much is too much?”

I’ve been working on the full outline of the last books in The Shifter Bachelor series, and trying to stitch up all the different plotlines and spreading them on the table of my mind I realized it might be too much for one person.

In the future, I don’t think I’ll attempt to write something this epic again.

Who am I lying too? I don’t think I’ll attempt something this big and sprawling for awhile, because I can see myself saying never and my grandmother’s spirit right behind me saying “never is a mighty long time…” Which is basically country-shorthand for “that’s what your mouth says now, but we’ll see what your ass does later and remind you of this moment…”

Shai August