Proof of Life

I've been MIA since before August and I apologize. Ida (the Hurricane) made life difficult in more ways than one.

No electric.
No air conditioning.
No internet.

No brain function thus killing my writing MOJO.

I haven't been home to New Orleans since late August/early September and I desperately miss my own bed.

Luckily writing is a business that isn't location dependent, and I'm still far from my Hoffice. It isn't even dependent on electricity as writers of old can attest. Millions of books have been transcribed from hand written notes, which is why the damage of my power cord shouldn't have stopped my productivity.

Alas, y'all know me and no power cord means the words just stopped flowing.

If you're in the Rare and Unknown Facebook group, you followed the saga of my power cord delivery from Amazon. If you Aren't in the group, why? Click the link, answer the questions and join now.

Just to recap quickly, I ordered the same cord three times, one was undeliverable, one was delayed for three days, and another arrived right on time (at the same time the delayed on arrived).

I posted a proof of life photo on Facebook, and got the weirdest message in my dms. “Wow, your so pretty. I didn’t know!” This was from a reader who had previously sent me messages too.

It threw me for a loop, cause I stick my face out all the time, or so I thought.

Confession time!

I truly loathe taking pictures. My face shows whatever emotion is foremost, and half my inner thoughts. And recently my left eye started twitching and I look like Mad Eye Moody.

I can’t school it to look neutral.

I don’t understand angles or posing.

My eyes look like they’re closed if I smile too hard. If I want to make it look like my eyes are open then I can’t smile wide. There is no middle ground here. NONE.

<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

I can’t win for losing. One out of every one hundred pictures I take looks okay. One out of thousand is exceptional.

There are people who take pictures all day, every day. I ain’t one of them. Maybe it’s the Virgo in me, but I don’t understand the need either, I know what I look like.

Do you take a quick pic every day? Are you practicing angles and poses? How do you school your face?

Shai August